Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Canton, OH 44705
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Canton OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Holiness Church | 330-454-3358 | 3309 Morris Ave NE | Canton | OH | 44705 |
Center Family Christian | 330-454-2098 | 1658 Superior Ave NE | Canton | OH | 44705 |
Church Canton Freewill Baptist | 330-456-4563 | 3202 Cliftmont Ave NE | Canton | OH | 44705 |
Crystal Park United Methodist Churc | 330-453-9064 | 2219 Mahoning Rd NE | Canton | OH | 44705 |
Crystal Park United Methodist Churc | 330-455-0009 | 2221 Mahoning Rd NE | Canton | OH | 44705 |
Glory Bound Christian Assembly of God | 330-492-1589 | 4120 Martindale Rd NE | Canton | OH | 44705 |
Grace Baptist Church | 330-492-7144 | 5050 Middlebranch Ave NE | Canton | OH | 44705 |
James S Thomas United Methodist Churc | 330-455-0769 | 3412 Harmont Ave NE | Canton | OH | 44705 |
Simpson United Methodist Churc | 330-492-1632 | 4900 Middlebranch Ave NE | Canton | OH | 44705 |
Thankful Missionary Baptist Church | 330-453-3975 | 2411 Gilbert Ave NE | Canton | OH | 44705 |
Total Living Center N E Branch | 330-456-3931 | 2817 Harmont Ave NE | Canton | OH | 44705 |
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