Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Canton, OH 44708
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Canton OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arlington Avenue Church of God | 330-455-4028 | 142 Arlington Ave NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church | 330-454-3978 | 723 Broad Ave NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Camp Chof | 330-477-6267 | 515 Whipple Ave NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Central Bapt Church | 330-477-0586 | 4736 Tuscarawas St W | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Church | 330-477-7834 | 4900 12th St NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
First Evangelical Congregational | 330-453-5125 | 1509 Broad Ave NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Freedom Bapt Church | 330-456-3733 | 313 Elgin Ave NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Friendship Community Church | 330-456-0942 | 2915 12th St NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Fullness of Joy Fellowship | 330-453-9419 | 2814 Midvale Rd NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Hills Dales Free Methodist Churc | 330-837-5188 | 7096 Hills and Dales Rd N | Canton | OH | 44708 |
His Place 4-U | 330-478-3099 | 1330 Whipple Ave NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Meals on Wheels Westbrook Park | 330-456-4797 | 2521 12th St NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Pawson William R Rev | 330-477-6234 | 171 Aultman Ave NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Reedurban Presby Church | 330-477-2838 | 1145 Perry Dr NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Sent Inc | 330-478-1440 | PO Box 80317 | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Trinity Book Store | 330-453-2519 | 1612 Tuscarawas St W | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Whipple Avenue Baptist Church | 330-477-5069 | 191 Whipple Ave NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
Zion United Methodist of Perry Twp | 330-477-1215 | 1023 Whipple Ave NW | Canton | OH | 44708 |
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