Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Navarre, OH 44662
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Navarre OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brewster Baptist Church | 330-767-3576 | 8120 Manchester Ave SW | Navarre | OH | 44662 |
Fohl Memorial United Methodist Churc | 330-879-2340 | 121 Basin St NW | Navarre | OH | 44662 |
Justus United Methodist Church | 330-767-3592 | 11791 Mount Eaton St SW | Navarre | OH | 44662 |
Justus United Methodist Church | 330-767-3636 | 11771 Navarre Rd SW | Navarre | OH | 44662 |
Otterbein United Methodist Churc | 330-484-2776 | 6025 Shepler Church Ave S | Navarre | OH | 44662 |
Richville United Church of Christ | 330-832-1891 | 6125 Richville Dr SW | Navarre | OH | 44662 |
Shepler Country Chapel | 330-879-5888 | 6109 Hudson Dr SW | Navarre | OH | 44662 |
St James United Church of Christ at CR | 330-879-2849 | 11491 Elton St SW | Navarre | OH | 44662 |
St Paul U C C-Navarre | 330-879-5836 | 337 Main St N | Navarre | OH | 44662 |
Stanwood Community Church | 330-832-6000 | 14715 Stanwood St SW | Navarre | OH | 44662 |
Sword of the Spirit Faith Center Th | 330-484-6925 | 6555 Shepler Church Ave S | Navarre | OH | 44662 |
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