Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in North Canton, OH 44720
* Each listing below of Churches Information for North Canton OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beck Fellowship Hall at Zion U C C | 330-499-8191 | 415 S Main St | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
Church of Christ | 330-499-4303 | 1301 E Maple St | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
East Ohio Conference | 330-499-3972 | 8800 Cleveland Ave NW | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
First Baptist Church of Jackson | 330-305-6912 | 6975 Promway Ave NW | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
First Southern Baptist Church | 330-494-5400 | 1300 Pittsburg Ave NW | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
Glass America | 330-497-0022 | 6335 Whipple Ave NW | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
Gospel Assembly Church | 330-896-4329 | 2535 Wise Rd | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
Grace Community Fellowship Worl | 330-499-2909 | 8194 Southwood Dr NW | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
Grace United Methodist North Canton | 330-499-2330 | 1720 Schneider St NW | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
Green Baptist Church | 330-896-3549 | 2200 Greensburg Rd | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
Greensburg United Methodist Churc | 330-896-1936 | 2161 Greensburg Rd | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
Interfaith Campus Ministry | 330-499-9935 | 6000 Frank Ave NW | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
McDonaldsville St Paul United Methodis | 330-499-6971 | 7641 Wales Ave NW | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
Northminster Presby Church | 330-499-4606 | 237 W Maple St | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
The Chapel in North Canton | 330-494-3419 | 715 Whittier Ave NW | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
Trinity Baptist Church Abc | 330-494-7171 | 1211 E Maple St | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
Village Baptist Temple | 330-494-4546 | 6322 Whipple Ave NW | North Canton | OH | 44720 |
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