Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Akron, OH 44301
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Akron OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Broadman Baptist Church | 330-923-6127 | 350 Beth St | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Brown Street Church of Christ | 330-724-3837 | 1835 Brown St | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Christian Temple Cme Church | 330-762-5470 | 1042 Yale St | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Church of God Militant Pillar & Ground | 330-724-8177 | 200 Cole Ave | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Falls Berean Bible Church | 330-945-9325 | 1736 Bailey Rd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Firestone Park Baptist Church | 330-724-1370 | 40 E Wilbeth Rd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Firestone Park Baptist Church | 330-773-5815 | 310 E Wilbeth Rd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Firestone Park Presbyterian Ch | 330-724-1116 | 275 S Firestone Blvd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Firestone Park United Methodist Churc | 330-773-7636 | 250 N Firestone Blvd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
First Church of the Brethren | 330-773-6010 | 1812 Marigold Ave | Akron | OH | 44301 |
First Evangelical Congregational | 330-773-2128 | 369 E Woodsdale Ave | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Gospil Temple Church | 330-753-4153 | 280 Elson Ave | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Grace Summit Community Church | 330-922-3550 | 2960 Bailey Rd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Grace United Church of Christ of Norto | 330-825-3259 | 3285 S Cleveland-Massillon | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Hametown Christian Academy | 330-825-7891 | 4774 S Hametown Rd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Highview Av Bapt Church | 330-773-1344 | 1822 Highview Ave | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Israelite Bapt Church | 330-773-4790 | 1300 Atwood Ave | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Jerusalem Baptist Church | 330-773-5400 | 270 E Wilbeth Rd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship | 330-928-9044 | 315 Graham Rd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Livingstone Baptist Church | 330-753-0648 | 288 Harter Ave | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Miller Av United Church of Christ | 330-253-2324 | 1095 Edison Ave | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Mont Calvary Temple | 330-535-1676 | 68 Steiner Ave | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Mt Liberty Baptist Church | 330-374-5909 | 244 Ira Ave | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Northampton Baptist Church | 330-929-1419 | 333 W Steels Corners Rd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Norton Bapt Church | 330-825-7888 | 4239 S Cleveland-Massillon | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 330-724-8163 | 1241 Grant St | Akron | OH | 44301 |
South Akron Church of Christ | 330-724-0525 | 1828 Marigold Ave | Akron | OH | 44301 |
St John Lutheran Church Firestone Park | 330-773-4128 | 550 E Wilbeth Rd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
St Matthew Lutheran Church | 330-825-4100 | 5451 S Cleve Massillon Rd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
St Peters United Church of Christ | 330-825-4644 | 6385 S Cleveland-Massillon | Akron | OH | 44301 |
Valley Community Church | 330-825-7070 | 5700 Taylor Rd | Akron | OH | 44301 |
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