Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Akron, OH 44307
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Akron OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alcohol Drug Addiction & Mental Health | 330-253-3711 | 422 Bell St | Akron | OH | 44307 |
Antioch Baptist Church | 330-762-3469 | 670 Wooster Ave | Akron | OH | 44307 |
Baptist Church Lighthouse | 330-253-5098 | 732 Russell Ave | Akron | OH | 44307 |
Baptist Church Lighthouse | 330-535-4278 | 565 W Thornton St | Akron | OH | 44307 |
Centenary United Methodist Churc | 330-376-9648 | 1310 Superior Ave | Akron | OH | 44307 |
Church of Christ Wooster Avenue | 330-762-7301 | 1147 Wooster Ave | Akron | OH | 44307 |
Columbia Lots of Tots Christ of Barbe | 330-825-9946 | 978 Wooster Ave | Akron | OH | 44307 |
First Apostolic Faith Church | 330-762-9139 | 790 Easter Ave | Akron | OH | 44307 |
Greater Peace Baptist Church | 330-253-5224 | 823 Wooster Ave | Akron | OH | 44307 |
Jerusalem Baptist Church | 330-864-6635 | 1225 Wooster Ave | Akron | OH | 44307 |
Peoples Baptist Church | 330-253-4073 | 525 Wooster Ave | Akron | OH | 44307 |
St Paul's Moore Memorial United | 330-745-6295 | 803 Wooster Ave | Akron | OH | 44307 |
St Thomas Baptist Church | 330-762-4877 | 670 Raymond St | Akron | OH | 44307 |
Tallmadge Alliance Church | 330-633-6695 | 1155 East Ave | Akron | OH | 44307 |
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