Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Akron, OH 44319
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Akron OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cottage Grove Church of the Nazarene Pa | 330-644-5616 | 3133 Cottage Grove Rd | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Coventry Crossing Church of Chris | 330-724-3108 | 552 Swartz Rd | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Faith Presbyterian Church | 330-644-9654 | 2540 S Main St | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Free Methodist Churches of Ohio | 330-644-0555 | 3037 Conlin Dr | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Green Valley Christian Preschool | 330-896-2840 | 620 E Turkeyfoot Lake Rd | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Hope Lutheran Church Portage Lakes | 330-644-3522 | 999 Portage Lakes Dr | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 330-928-0873 | 3806 State Rd | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Lakeview Christian Church | 330-644-8809 | 4613 S Main St | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Lockwood United Methodist Churc | 330-644-2227 | 3680 Manchester Rd | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Manchester Church of Christ | 330-882-3116 | 930 W Nimisila Rd | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Manchester Trinity Chapel | 330-882-4416 | 5781 Manchester Rd | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Manchester United Methodist Churc | 330-882-4818 | 5625 Manchester Rd | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Riverside Alliance Church | 330-644-7131 | 2433 S Main St | Akron | OH | 44319 |
Steels Corners Christian Churc | 330-929-5803 | 3996 State Rd | Akron | OH | 44319 |
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