Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Uniontown, OH 44685
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Uniontown OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cottage Prayer Chapel | 330-699-5579 | 3590 Sweitzer St NW | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Grace United Church of Christ of Union | 330-699-3255 | 13275 Cleveland Ave NW | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Green Family Worship Center | 330-899-0754 | 4022 Cottage Grove Rd | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Greentown United Methodist Churc | 330-499-3985 | 3088 State St NW | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Harvest Bible Church | 330-896-2259 | 4520 Arlington Rd | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Hillwood Chapel | 330-896-4948 | 4824 Arlington Rd | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Lake Community Christian Churc | 330-497-1418 | 2201 Lake Center St NW | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Medlin Bea Evangelistic Assoc | 330-699-5420 | 13844 Cleveland Ave NW | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Messiah Lutheran Church Elca | 330-644-5766 | 4700 S Main St | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Millheim Baptist Church | 330-699-3600 | 2661 Hayne Rd | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
New Hope Bible Church | 330-699-4632 | 3553 Northdale St NW | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Romanian Bapt Church | 330-896-4462 | 1243 Boettler Rd | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Salvation Army Greentown Unit | 330-244-8619 | 10031 Cleveland Ave NW | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Temple Baptist Church of Greensburg | 330-896-1969 | 1212 Greensburg Rd | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
The Chapel | 330-376-6400 | 1800 Raber Rd | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Trinity Church of the Nazarene | 330-699-9766 | 2780 Canton Rd | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Uniontown Church of Christ | 330-699-3732 | 2929 E Turkeyfoot Lake Rd | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
Uniontown United Methodist Churc | 330-699-3587 | 13370 Cleveland Ave NW | Uniontown | OH | 44685 |
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