Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Akron, OH 44312
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Akron OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apex Eagle Hospitality Inc | 330-644-0115 | 2934 S Arlington Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Applebee's Arlington | 330-644-5303 | 2897 S Arlington Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Arby's Feldman Enterprises Inc | 330-733-5808 | 2073 E Market St | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Bill Hwang's Restaurant | 330-784-7167 | 879 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Bob Evans Farms Restaurants | 330-644-4811 | 3211 S Arlington Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Bocassio's Sports Pub | 330-784-0211 | 958 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Burger King | 330-733-7973 | 1294 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Burger King | 330-645-1336 | 3180 S Arlington Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Corner Nook The | 330-733-8473 | 2081 E Market St | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Denny's Restaurant | 330-644-0990 | 2943 S Arlington Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Dilly's Drive-In | 330-798-0170 | 1921 Triplett Blvd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
East of Chicago | 330-794-9356 | 2507 Leland Ave | Akron | OH | 44312 |
East Side Cafe | 330-733-5005 | 2146 E Market St | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Farmer Boy Restaurant | 330-784-4052 | 1324 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Golden Corral | 330-645-9740 | 2819 S Arlington Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Grinders Above & Beyond | 330-896-6194 | 1019 E Turkeyfoot Lake Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Hamburger Station | 330-733-7303 | 710 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Jaspers Restaurant | 330-784-9570 | 662 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Last Quarter | 330-784-1108 | 1895 Triplett Blvd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Lion Garden | 330-645-2277 | 3190 S Arlington Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
McDonald's Hamburgers | 330-784-5320 | 1230 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
McDonald's Hamburgers | 330-733-3666 | 2021 E Market St | Akron | OH | 44312 |
McDonald's Hamburgers | 330-644-1085 | 3225 S Arlington Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Meal Ticket | 330-784-1620 | 1581 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Molly Brown's Country Cafe | 330-784-4711 | 518 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Mr Hero | 330-734-0204 | 526 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
New Era Restaurant Inc | 330-784-0087 | 10 Massillon Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
New Ming Home | 330-784-0419 | 514 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Quiznos Subs | 330-733-9570 | 768 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Ryan's Family Steak House | 330-644-4787 | 2863 S Arlington Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Sky-Way Drive in | 330-896-9350 | 951 E Turkeyfoot Lake Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Subway | 330-733-6304 | 2196 E Market St | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Taco Bell | 330-733-4803 | 1303 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Tgi Fridays | 330-644-8443 | 1039 Interstate Pkwy | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 330-784-2630 | 1266 Canton Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 330-645-0468 | 3239 S Arlington Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
White Castle System Inc | 330-644-0091 | 2900 S Arlington Rd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
White House Chicken | 330-784-3000 | 1941 Triplett Blvd | Akron | OH | 44312 |
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