Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oklahoma City, OK 73139
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oklahoma City OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Faith Tabernacle | 405-631-9902 | 313 SW 79th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Brookwood Baptist Church | 405-632-6989 | 8921 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of O | 405-631-5776 | 1145 W I 240 Service Rd | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Church in Oklahoma City The | 405-631-8007 | 6421 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Church of Christ | 405-631-2785 | 1017 SW 84th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Community of Christ | 405-634-9933 | 921 SW 70th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Confirmed Word of God Church Internat | 405-634-8540 | 7200 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Del City First Church of the Nazarene | 405-632-3307 | 7301 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Draper Park Christian Church | 405-634-3389 | 8500 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Galilee Temple Full Gospel Church | 405-793-8011 | 204 SW 104th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Glorieta Baptist Church | 405-632-3365 | 7308 S Western Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
God's Movin Ministry | 405-631-0811 | 9134 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Graceway Baptist Church | 405-691-1934 | 1100 SW 104th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Growing in Grace Ministries | 405-634-5678 | 8300 S Santa Fe Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Harvest Time Ministry | 405-632-4673 | 9126 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Heartland Community Church | 405-632-7410 | 8309 S Santa Fe Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Jefferson Heights Baptist Church | 405-632-2113 | 1100 SW 66th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Lifechurchtv South Okc | 405-606-8800 | 7800 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Oakcrest Church of Christ | 405-631-5270 | 1111 SW 89th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Shekinah Fellowship Church | 405-799-8888 | 412 SW 104th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Shield of Faith Church of the Nazarene | 405-799-2500 | 400 SW 104th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Southern Oaks Free Will Baptist Church | 405-634-2474 | 7201 S Santa Fe Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Southwest Freewill Baptist Church | 405-632-2579 | 925 SW 60th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Wilmont Place Baptist Church | 405-631-5312 | 6440 S Santa Fe Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Wingstop | 405-691-4242 | 912 SW 104th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
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