Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oklahoma City, OK 73160
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oklahoma City OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brookside & Willowbrook Gardens Wedding | 405-794-4049 | 9309 S Interstate 35 St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Capitol Hill Full Gospel Church | 405-793-7727 | 2928 Woodlawn Dr | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Covenant Life Assembly | 405-799-6353 | 207 S Howard Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Eastern Avenue Baptist Church | 405-794-7796 | 836 N Eastern Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
First Indian Baptist Church of Moore | 405-790-0904 | 2610 S Broadway St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
First United Methodist Church of Moore | 405-794-6671 | 201 W Main St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Free Will Baptist Literature Cent | 405-912-9100 | 3615 S I 35 | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Highland Baptist Church of Moore | 405-794-5432 | 2425 SE 4th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Jesus Is the Light Clgi | 405-790-0455 | 103 N Broadway St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Living Word Fellowship | 405-799-1100 | 3000 N Santa Fe Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Moore Church of the Nazarene | 405-794-3233 | 404 S Janeway Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Nazarene Churches of The | 405-524-8082 | 1121 Penn Ln | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Oklahoma Community Church | 405-912-4545 | 809 SW 4th Pl | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Philippine International B | 405-895-6649 | 400 Crestmoor Dr | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Providence Church | 405-794-5491 | 3801 S Broadway St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Regency Park Baptist Church | 405-794-3507 | 2001 N Janeway Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Revival for Christ Club Inc | 405-793-1777 | 1005 SW 4th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Sharon Baptist Church | 405-794-0667 | 628 Cass Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Southgate Baptist Church | 405-794-6646 | 740 SW 4th Pl | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
Suburban Baptist Church | 405-794-2897 | 424 E Main St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73160 |
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