Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Oklahoma City, OK 73139
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Oklahoma City OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Am-Pm Dentistry | 405-691-7770 | 1234 SW 89th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
American Association of Endodontists | 405-748-6000 | 8101 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
American Association of Oral & Maxillof | 405-636-4230 | 8301 S Walker Ave Ste 101 | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
American College of Prosthodontists | 405-632-3525 | 8301 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Anderson Jas L Dds | 405-634-2313 | 6521 S Western Ave Ste A | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Arthurs Jason Dds | 405-691-1123 | 1024 SW 104th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Associated Dental Services | 405-632-2273 | 1201 SW 89th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Benson Jerry Dds | 405-631-5543 | 7300 S Western Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Brookwood Dental Clinic | 405-631-1531 | 1001 SW 89th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Cavity Cottage | 405-692-2889 | 1144 SW 104th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Charles R Guthrie III | 405-631-3689 | 6800 S Western Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Cothran Paula Dds | 405-634-4188 | 1001 W I 240 Service Rd | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Crocodile Smiles Children's Dent | 405-635-1616 | 828 SW 66th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Crossroads Family Dentistry | 405-631-0322 | 8101 S Walker Ave Ste D | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Eaton Debra Dds | 405-631-6622 | 6600 S Western Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Freeman W D Dntst | 405-632-2316 | 6510 S Western Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Gentle Dental | 405-631-9100 | 6002 S Western Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Harlan Jay A Dds | 405-632-9726 | 8101 S Walker Ave Ste E | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Harris D W Dds | 405-634-1977 | 1213 SW 89th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Herren Stephen W Dds | 405-616-7770 | 8101 S Walker Ave Ste C | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Hornbuckle G Conrad Dds | 405-636-1411 | 8203 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Jack Jerry H Dds | 405-632-7611 | 8317 S Western Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Krob Raymond P Dds | 405-631-8822 | 8301 S Walker Ave Ste 103 | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
McCalmon Jack D Dntst | 405-632-5561 | 8283 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Miller John W Dntst | 405-632-5564 | 8283 S Walker Ave Ste A | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Orthodontic Centers of America | 405-634-4700 | 7421 S Western Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Rubin Frederick R Dds | 405-632-3333 | 6448 S Western Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Safely Geo R Dds | 405-794-3447 | 9800 S Broadway Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
Shanbour Gregory Dds | 405-634-2239 | 8117 S Walker Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73139 |
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