Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Lawton, OK 73501
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Lawton OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Area Prevention Resource Center | 580-355-5246 | 1318 SW Lee Blvd | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
C Carter Crane Shelter for the Homeles | 580-248-0936 | 1203 SW Texas Ave | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
Catholic Charities | 580-353-1811 | 1317 SW Washington Ave | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
Goodwill Industries | 580-355-2163 | 1210 SW Summit Ave | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
Great Plains Improvement Fou | 580-248-6784 | 2 SE Lee Blvd | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
J C Kennedy Square | 580-248-7822 | 1420 SW Washington Ave | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
Lawton Food Bank | 580-353-7994 | 1405 SW 20th St | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
Lawton Group Home | 580-355-3249 | 914 SW 3rd St | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
Meet the Needs | 580-353-0044 | 505 SW G Ave | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
North Care Children's Initiative | 580-250-1222 | 5 SW D Ave | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
Salvation Army | 580-355-1802 | 1306 SW E Ave | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
Salvation Army | 580-357-7541 | 1415 SW F Ave | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
U S Government | 580-355-9389 | 1601 NE Lawrie Tatum Rd | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
United Way of Lawton Ft Sill | 580-355-0218 | 1116 SW A Ave | Lawton | OK | 73501 |
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