Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Edmond, OK 73013
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Edmond OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brewer Don Rev | 405-341-6623 | 4306 Jordan Ave | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
Calvary Temple Church | 405-348-2334 | 1801 S Kelly Ave | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
Center for Women's Bible Studies | 405-478-0166 | 2221 E Memorial Rd | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
Church of the Nazarene of Edmond | 405-341-0127 | 3001 S Boulevard St | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
Creekside Community Church | 405-330-8797 | 15500 N Western Ave | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
First Baptist Church of Edmond | 405-341-1440 | 1300 E 33rd St | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
Heritage Baptist Church | 405-341-6802 | 1921 E 15th St | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
Heritage Presbyterian Church | 405-752-2270 | 14500 N Western Ave | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
His Healing Helping Hands Internati | 405-753-9870 | 25 NW 144th Cir | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Lcms | 405-348-3292 | 308 NW 164th St | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 405-348-4443 | 915 E 33rd St | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
Liberty Church | 405-340-6307 | 16000 N Western Ave | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
Lord of Life Lutheran Church | 405-341-5113 | 15400 N Western Ave | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
Oklahoma Chinese Baptist Church | 405-330-2345 | 16000 N May Ave | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
Seminole Pointe Church of Christ | 405-340-3189 | 16300 N May Ave | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
The Fathers House | 405-286-4327 | 40 NW 144th Cir | Edmond | OK | 73013 |
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