Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oklahoma City, OK 73107
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oklahoma City OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist Churches | 405-946-2401 | 3141 NW 10th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Baptist Churches | 405-942-2277 | 2515 NW 16th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Baptist Churches | 405-942-5557 | 3030 NW 23rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Bet Ami Congregation | 405-943-5208 | 2425 N Warren Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Billy Hooton Memorial United Methodis | 405-235-4777 | 2444 NW 1st Ter | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Calvin Presbyterian Church | 405-943-8564 | 2001 N Meridian Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Champions Youth Development Cen | 405-235-5437 | 2600 W Main St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Christian Faith Fellowship | 405-236-5857 | 1301 N Pennsylvania Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Church of Christ | 405-946-4978 | 3440 NW 21st St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Church of Christ Drexel Boulevard | 405-943-3578 | 1301 N Drexel Blvd | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Church of Christ Northwest | 405-943-5751 | 4301 NW 23rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Deeper Life | 405-942-9385 | 2907 N May Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Del City First Church of the Nazarene | 405-524-8082 | 1121 N Pennsylvania Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Faith Fellowship Church | 405-947-7022 | 900 N May Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Feed the Children | 405-942-0228 | 333 N Meridian Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Hodges Jimmy Ministries International | 405-917-7000 | 4401 NW 4th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Iglesia Bautista Peniel | 405-917-7250 | 3008 NW 23rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Korean Vision Community Church | 405-943-0445 | 3525 NW 23rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
May Avenue United Methodist Churc | 405-946-2633 | 2604 N May Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Memorial Christian Church | 405-946-6701 | 1915 N Meridian Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Meridian Avenue Baptist Church | 405-943-4195 | 1421 N Meridian Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Messiah Ministries Church | 405-234-2273 | 2540 W Main St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Portland Ave Baptist Church | 405-415-6090 | 1301 N Portland Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Ridgecrest United Methodist Churc | 405-943-9536 | 3629 NW 25th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
St John's United Methodist Churc | 405-946-0503 | 1755 N Meridian Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
Summit Lighthouse | 405-947-3438 | 4180 NW 23rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73107 |
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