Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oklahoma City, OK 73108
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oklahoma City OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church No 1 | 405-634-8556 | 2705 S Agnew Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Apostolic Assembly | 405-634-4366 | 2600 S Agnew Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Baptist Churches | 405-232-2551 | 1312 S Pennsylvania Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Baptist Churches | 405-634-7557 | 1139 SW 17th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Body of Christ Praise Fellowship | 405-239-7575 | 1507 Exchange Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Carey Heights Baptist Church | 405-685-6089 | 3720 SW 27th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Centro Misionero Emanuel | 405-606-8690 | 3001 SW 16th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Faith Tabernacle Assembly of God | 405-948-7100 | 800 S Portland Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Grace Rescue Mission Inc | 405-232-5756 | 2205 Exchange Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Jordan Baptist Church | 405-682-2780 | 2728 S Portland Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Kentucky Avenue Baptist Church | 405-634-2493 | 2702 S Kentucky Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
May Avenue Church of the Nazarene | 405-681-2562 | 2940 SW 11th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Nazarene Churches of The | 405-685-3052 | 2600 S Independence Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Rockwood Baptist Church | 405-685-4823 | 2515 S Grand Blvd | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
True Living God in Christ Ministry | 405-681-5222 | 2615 S May Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
Victory Missionary Baptist Church | 405-681-3733 | 3301 SW 28th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73108 |
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