Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oklahoma City, OK 73111
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oklahoma City OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Church | 405-427-7325 | 2145 N Lottie Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Anchor of Hope Deliverance Chu | 405-424-2668 | 1917 N Lottie Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Berry James Jr Rev | 405-424-2998 | 1701 NE 33rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Bethlehem Star Baptist Church | 405-424-2410 | 2704 NE 24th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Central Baptist Church | 405-427-6707 | 1600 NE 30th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Christ Deliverance Missonary Bapti | 405-427-3655 | 1733 NE 34th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Christ Evangelist Baptist Church | 405-424-2017 | 1400 Milam Ct | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 405-424-2800 | 1006 NE 17th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Church of God & Christ | 405-427-1530 | 3633 N Everest Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Church of God in Christ | 405-840-3324 | 7205 N Kelley Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Community Christian Church | 405-912-9673 | 2010 N Martin Luther King A # A | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Creston Hills Church of Christ | 405-424-7085 | 1901 N Martin Luther King A | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
East Side Church of Christ | 405-427-3862 | 1501 NE 36th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Ebenezer Baptist Church | 405-427-9953 | 3600 N Kelley Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Edwards Leroy | 405-427-1715 | 2809 N Fonshill Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Emmanuel Bapt Church | 405-424-4418 | 2140 N Kelley Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Evangelistic Baptist Church of Chris | 405-424-1714 | 3129 N Martin Luther King A | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Faith Memorial Baptist Church | 405-427-6092 | 3117 N Kelley Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
First Ame Church | 405-424-3226 | 3309 N Kelley Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Followers of Christ Baptist Church | 405-427-0151 | 1125 NE 36th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Free K Gerone Rev | 405-424-5531 | 3721 Staton Dr | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 405-424-2362 | 2017 N Martin Luther King A | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Greater Bethel Baptist Church | 405-424-1625 | 1601 NE 24th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Greater Cleaves Memorial C M E | 405-427-6905 | 1609 NE 48th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Greater Fellowship Baptist Church | 405-427-7780 | 1245 NE 33rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Greater New Bethlehem Temple Inc | 405-427-9020 | 2209 N Everest Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Greater New Zion Bapt Church | 405-424-6131 | 1005 NE 28th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Greater Shiloh Baptist Church | 405-424-3141 | 1108 NE 50th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Higher Ground Baptist Church | 405-843-1577 | 6607 N Kelley Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Holy Divine Baptist Church | 405-427-7865 | 1331 NE 19th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Holy Temple Bapt Church | 405-424-1860 | 1540 NE 50th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Holy United Baptist Church | 405-427-5502 | 1325 NE 50th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Hope Memorial Baptist Church | 405-424-5539 | 1204 NE 30th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Jackson Thos O Minister | 405-424-4603 | 4817 N Martin Luther King A | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Joy Missionary Baptist Church | 405-424-2287 | 2222 NE 27th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Livingword Missionary Baptist Church | 405-424-2027 | 1120 NE 22nd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Millwood Baptist Church | 405-478-1715 | 6441 N Martin Luther King A | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Mt Horeb Missionary Baptist Church | 405-424-4880 | 2501 N Highland Dr | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church | 405-424-1705 | 4000 N Kelley Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church | 405-424-2186 | 1020 NE 42nd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
My Brothers Keeper | 405-475-9770 | 1401 NE 70th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
New Bethel Bapt Church | 405-427-2171 | 1844 E Madison St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
New Covenant Mbc | 405-424-4099 | 2540 N Martin Luther King A | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
New Harvest Fellowship | 405-427-6000 | 5201 N Martin Luther King A # A | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Praise of Zion Missionary Bapt | 405-427-6822 | 1104 NE 28th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Prospect Baptist Church | 405-424-1795 | 2809 N Missouri Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Quayle United Methodist Church | 405-424-2770 | 5001 N Everest Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Redeemed Missionary Baptist Church | 405-424-6832 | 2122 Drinkwater Dr | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Rising Star Baptist Church | 405-424-1123 | 1701 NE 50th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Royal Host Christian Ministries | 405-427-8722 | 1618 NE 24th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Shield of Faith Missionary Bapt | 405-424-1649 | 1134 NE 20th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
St John Missionary Baptist Church | 405-478-3344 | 5700 N Kelley Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
St Mark Baptist Church | 405-424-3445 | 3501 N Rhode Island Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Tabernacle Bapt Church | 405-424-5615 | 1829 NE 36th St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Trinity Presbyterian Church | 405-427-2878 | 2301 NE 23rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Union Baptist Church | 405-424-2439 | 5404 N Kelley Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Unity Baptist Church | 405-424-2334 | 1701 N Nebraska Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
Wildewood Christian Church | 405-478-0781 | 6900 N Kelley Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73111 |
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