Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Oklahoma City, OK 73116
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Oklahoma City OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advanced Appraisal & Consulting | 405-848-2343 | 4334 NW Expressway St Ste 221 | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Allen Carolyn Real Estate | 405-842-8806 | 720 W Wilshire Blvd | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Allied Realtors | 405-879-2266 | 3636 NW 63rd St Ste A | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Boardwalk Properties | 405-842-0993 | 3333 NW 63rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Bollinger Lee | 405-840-0600 | 4045 NW 64th St Ste 410 | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Cb Richard Ellis | 405-272-5300 | 1200 NW 63rd St Ste 300 | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Century 21 Gold Castle | 405-840-2106 | 4301 NW 63rd St Ste 100 | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Drue Ridley & Associates | 405-848-7006 | 3152 Elmwood Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Erc Properties Inc | 405-848-1820 | 1000 W Wilshire Blvd Ste 308 | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Finley R W Wes Real Estate Corp | 405-842-8808 | 3217 NW 63rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Future Investments Co | 405-840-3885 | 900 NW 63rd St Ste 101 | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Gordon Dixie A | 405-842-1766 | 2710 NW 63rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Hallmark Realtors | 405-721-6565 | 6405 N Meridian Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Hamilton Beverly Rl Est | 405-848-8818 | 6501 Avondale Dr | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
James Geo W Rltr | 405-843-5561 | 3141 NW 63rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Jenkins Real Estate | 405-848-3015 | 6424 N Santa Fe Ave Ste B | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Keesee Konrad Real Estate | 405-842-8841 | 6421 Avondale Dr Ste 209B | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Kennedy Wilson Property Services | 405-840-2273 | 701 NW 63rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Real Estate Center Inc The | 405-842-1070 | 3033 NW 63rd St Ste 101 | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Stratos Realty | 405-848-2925 | 3009 NW 63rd St | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
Wythe George Company The | 405-842-1929 | 6904 N Western Ave | Oklahoma City | OK | 73116 |
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