Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Tulsa, OK 74112
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Tulsa OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aamco Transmissions | 918-835-8423 | 8115 E 15th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
B & B Auto Repair Service | 918-836-3636 | 401 S Memorial Dr | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Billy Young Transmission Ce | 918-836-3341 | 1111 S 73rd East Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Caywood Custom Automotive | 918-835-0211 | 6934 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Dent Terminator | 918-622-6665 | 1772 S 79th East Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Dream Cruise Auto Service | 918-835-5848 | 5728 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Drive Shafts Inc | 918-836-0111 | 6960 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Fix R L Automotive Service & Sales | 918-834-2568 | 4019 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Get It in Gear Route 66 Automotive | 918-834-6584 | 5941 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Interparts of Tulsa Automotive | 918-834-1800 | 3615 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
J & J Automotive Service | 918-832-1879 | 7502 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Jerry's Auto Repair Shop | 918-838-2922 | 5935 E 15th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Joe's Japanese Auto Service | 918-838-8883 | 1207 S Harvard Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Mac's Tire Barn | 918-622-3939 | 8118 E 15th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Mac's Wagon Shop | 918-836-3406 | 1448 S Sheridan Rd | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Midas Auto Service Experts | 918-834-3335 | 3715 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Paintmaster Collision & Auto Painting C | 918-836-8668 | 5950 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Precision Tune Auto Care | 918-627-8338 | 1916 S Memorial Dr | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
R & R Automotive | 918-832-1252 | 1128 S Oxford Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Rapid Service Center | 918-834-3307 | 4821 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
S & L Auto | 918-835-7400 | 6752 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Strickland Automotive | 918-832-7072 | 231 S 85th East Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Toyosport Ltd | 918-835-3331 | 8121 E 14th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Tulsa Auto Service & Sales | 918-838-9999 | 3729 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Tulsa Auto Specialists | 918-836-7191 | 8928 E 11th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
Tyrone's Body Shop | 918-836-9533 | 5959 E 15th St | Tulsa | OK | 74112 |
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