Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bixby, OK 74008
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bixby OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Be-Mar Chapel | 918-366-4390 | 205 N Armstrong St | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Bible Baptist Church | 918-366-8993 | 17200 S Mingo Rd | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Bixby Christian Church | 918-366-4978 | 555 S B Ave | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Bixby Freewill Baptist Church | 918-366-8975 | 15801 S Memorial Dr | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Christ's Community Church | 918-369-2280 | 11929 S Memorial Dr | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Concharty Methodist Church | 918-366-8450 | 19040 Garfield Rd | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Downtown Church of Christ | 918-366-3316 | 100 W Dawes Ave | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Faith Temple Assembly | 918-369-1355 | 9400 E 113th St S | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
First Assembly of God | 918-366-8436 | 107 N Stanley St | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
First Baptist Church | 918-366-3456 | 114 E Breckenridge Ave | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
First United Methodist Church | 918-366-4463 | 77 E Breckenridge Ave | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Green Country Foursquare Chur | 918-366-8093 | 15315 E 171st St S | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Korean Presbyterian Church of Tulsa | 918-369-0286 | 8224 E 126th St S | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Leonard First Bapt Church | 918-366-4101 | 15711 E 168th St S | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Liberty Heights Freewill Baptis | 918-366-3553 | 18726 S Sheridan Rd | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Midwest Agape Chapel Foundation | 918-366-7730 | 5161 E 171st St S | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
New Beginnings Baptist Church | 918-366-6700 | 4104 E 151st St S | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
North Heights Church of Christ | 918-369-5810 | 11710 S Memorial Dr | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Passageway Ministries | 918-366-4415 | 13927 E 171st St S | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Shellenbarger Freewill Baptist Church | 918-369-2381 | 13010 S 79th East Ave | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
Trinity Presbyterian Church | 918-369-3690 | 9303 E 111th St S | Bixby | OK | 74008 |
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