Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Sand Springs, OK 74063
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Sand Springs OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amazing Grace Holiness Church | 918-245-4777 | 807 W 2nd St | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Angus Acres Baptist Church | 918-245-0266 | 4401 S 129th West Ave | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Broadway Baptist Church | 918-245-7513 | 1000 N Adams Rd | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 918-245-6549 | 301 Washington Ave | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Centennial Baptist Church | 918-241-8322 | 123 W Morrow Rd | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Church of Christ | 918-245-3226 | 4301 S 113th West Ave | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Church of Christ 38th Street | 918-245-5063 | 12 W 38th St | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Church of Christ Lakeside | 918-245-3516 | 619 N Woodland Dr | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Community Assembly Church | 918-246-9090 | 9707 Heritage Hills Dr | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
First Assembly of God Church | 918-245-4413 | 500 N Wilson Ave | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
First Baptist Church | 918-241-0524 | 110 Elm Ave | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
First Christian Church of Sand Springs | 918-245-9625 | 501 N Main St | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
First Presbyterian Church The | 918-245-1748 | 222 N Adams Rd | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Fisher Baptist Church | 918-245-7875 | 2031 S 161st West Ave | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Garden Heights Freewill Bapt Church | 918-245-5572 | 3415 Summit Blvd | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
General Baptist Church | 918-245-1879 | 201 N Franklin Ave | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Grace Community Fellowship | 918-241-8887 | 762 E Charles Page Blvd | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Heritage Baptist Church | 918-245-4534 | 415 W 11th St | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Holy Land Ministries | 918-241-3430 | 3101 Maple Dr | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 918-245-9869 | 3507 Skylane Dr | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Jubilee Christian Center | 918-246-0292 | 608 W 41st St | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Keystone Hills Baptist Church | 918-241-8140 | 200 N 209th West Ave | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Limestone Baptist Church | 918-245-6555 | 3609 S 137th West Ave | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Ministry of Helps International | 918-245-5768 | 5902 N Pecan St | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Mission Christian Church | 918-245-0156 | 400 E 12th St | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
New Life Tabernacle | 918-245-5241 | 13107 W 41st St | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Sand Springs United Methodist Churc | 918-245-5955 | 4th & N Main | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
St Andrew Lutheran Church | 918-245-1909 | 3210 S 113th West Ave | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
St Matthews Episcopal Church | 918-245-7552 | 601 N Lake Dr | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 918-245-3220 | 13 W 40th St | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 918-241-1669 | 14 W 40th St | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
True Baptist Church | 918-245-1979 | 410 Terrace Dr | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
Word of Life Fellowship | 918-245-0262 | 1402 N 81st W Ave | Sand Springs | OK | 74063 |
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