Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Tulsa, OK 74104
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Tulsa OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baptist Student Union | 918-592-1500 | 710 S College Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74104 |
College Hill Presbyterian Ch | 918-592-5800 | 712 S Columbia Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74104 |
First Evangelical Lutheran Church | 918-582-0917 | 1244 S Utica Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74104 |
Grace Lutheran Church Lcms | 918-592-2999 | 2331 E 5th Pl | Tulsa | OK | 74104 |
Harvard Avenue Baptist Church | 918-744-9772 | 3235 E 17th St | Tulsa | OK | 74104 |
Immanuel Baptist Church | 918-587-8431 | 1915 E 3rd St | Tulsa | OK | 74104 |
New Life Apostolic Church | 918-584-3226 | 2207 E 6th St | Tulsa | OK | 74104 |
Tulsa Baptist Temple | 918-592-3636 | 1203 S Columbia Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74104 |
Tulsa Christian Fellowship | 918-587-2400 | 2121 E 3rd St | Tulsa | OK | 74104 |
United Campus Ministry University of T | 918-583-9780 | 2839 E 5th St | Tulsa | OK | 74104 |
University United Methodist Churc | 918-592-3633 | 2915 E 5th St | Tulsa | OK | 74104 |
Wesley Foundation T U Student Center | 918-592-5778 | 3019 E 5th St | Tulsa | OK | 74104 |
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