Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Tulsa, OK 74105
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Tulsa OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ascension Lutheran Church | 918-743-5741 | 4803 S Lewis Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Bellaire Assembly | 918-742-7054 | 5013 S Utica Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Brookside Baptist Church | 918-742-2426 | 3615 S Peoria Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Christ Presbyterian Church | 918-749-1620 | 2700 E 51st St | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Christ Presbyterian Church | 918-749-1629 | 5120 S Columbia Pl | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Christian Science Churches | 918-742-5711 | 3620 S Lewis Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Church of Christ South Brooke | 918-747-5798 | 1132 E 38th St | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Church of the Lamb of God | 918-747-8551 | 4635 S Madison Pl | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Full Gospel Evangelistic | 918-749-3432 | 1400 E Skelly Dr | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Liberty World Outreach | 918-742-5764 | 1424 E 58th St | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Northeast District Office Chrish I | 918-743-6202 | 3817 S Lewis Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Southern Hills Baptist Church | 918-743-8897 | 5590 S Lewis Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Southminster Presbyterian | 918-743-4427 | 3500 S Peoria Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
St John's Episcopal Church | 918-742-7381 | 4200 S Atlanta Pl | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 918-743-8911 | 3737 S Peoria Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74105 |
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