Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Tulsa, OK 74107
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Tulsa OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st Pentecostal Church of Tulsa | 918-446-7121 | 3029 S 57th West Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
A New Beginning Wedding Chapel | 918-445-9215 | 4701 S Union Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Amazing Grace Christian Center | 918-587-7700 | 734 W 23rd St | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Berryhill Baptist Church | 918-445-0095 | 6035 W 40th St | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Bible Fellowship Center | 918-446-3209 | 4929 S Waco Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Carbondale Assembly of God | 918-446-0795 | 2135 W 51st St | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Carbondale Baptist Church | 918-446-0407 | 2909 W 48th St | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Carbondale Church of Christ | 918-446-9508 | 3114 W 51st St | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Contact Church of Christ | 918-447-1130 | 1529 W 49th St | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Covenant Life Family Worship Center | 918-446-6517 | 6607 W 42nd St | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Epworth United Methodist Churc | 918-446-3516 | 4811 S 25th West Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Garden City Bapt Church | 918-446-0158 | 3702 S Maybelle Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Mt Olive Baptist Church | 918-446-4554 | 4017 W 55th Pl | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
New Home Free Will Baptist Church | 918-446-8528 | 3110 S 65th West Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Opportunity Heights Baptist Church | 918-447-9388 | 4501 W 55th Pl | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Phoenix Avenue Baptist Church | 918-587-8228 | 2139 S Phoenix Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Potter's Clay Mission | 918-581-0444 | 2208 Southwest Blvd | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Praise Center | 918-445-4999 | 4748 S 31st West Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Red Fork Baptist Church | 918-446-4445 | 2821 W 40th St | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Southwest Baptist Church & Academ | 918-446-7593 | 5304 S 33rd West Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Summitpark Full Gospel Church | 918-446-1778 | 5835 S 33rd West Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 918-445-2416 | 1703 W 41st St | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
View Acres Baptist Church | 918-446-5343 | 2327 S 65th West Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
West Tulsa Free Will Baptist Church | 918-585-8094 | 930 W 23rd Pl | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
West Tulsa United Methodist Churc | 918-583-5125 | 1923 S Phoenix Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
Winnetka Heights Baptist Church | 918-446-9604 | 1003 W 49th St | Tulsa | OK | 74107 |
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