Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Tulsa, OK 74129
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Tulsa OK should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Breakthrough Church | 918-664-7771 | 9123 E 22nd Pl | Tulsa | OK | 74129 |
Brenda Snow Ministries | 918-621-4661 | 2302 S Garnett Rd | Tulsa | OK | 74129 |
Christview Christian Church | 918-663-6533 | 2525 S Garnett Rd | Tulsa | OK | 74129 |
Church of the Shepherd United Methodis | 918-836-7503 | 2140 S 67th East Ave | Tulsa | OK | 74129 |
Community Baptist Church | 918-622-4334 | 2805 S Garnett Rd | Tulsa | OK | 74129 |
Eastland Assembly of God | 918-437-2590 | 12310 E 21st St | Tulsa | OK | 74129 |
God Is Alive Wedding Chapel | 918-663-1117 | 2121 S Memorial Dr | Tulsa | OK | 74129 |
Korean Church of Tulsa The | 918-828-7337 | 8504 E Skelly Dr | Tulsa | OK | 74129 |
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd T | 918-622-2905 | 8730 E Skelly Dr | Tulsa | OK | 74129 |
Metro Faith Christian Church | 918-621-1668 | 8611 E 21st St | Tulsa | OK | 74129 |
Today the Bible & You Grace Bible | 918-234-0462 | 10977 E 23rd St | Tulsa | OK | 74129 |
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