Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Corvallis, OR 97333
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Corvallis OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Chapel of Corvallis | 541-752-2851 | 1555 SW 35th St | Corvallis | OR | 97333 |
Celebration Church | 541-754-2489 | 2700 SW 3rd St | Corvallis | OR | 97333 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 541-753-5840 | 468 SW Madison Ave | Corvallis | OR | 97333 |
Faith Christian Fellowship | 541-738-2122 | 5474 SW Philomath Blvd | Corvallis | OR | 97333 |
First Christian Church Disciples of Ch | 541-753-2671 | 602 SW Madison Ave | Corvallis | OR | 97333 |
First Congregational United Church O | 541-757-8122 | 4515 SW West Hills Rd | Corvallis | OR | 97333 |
Grace Christian Fellowship | 541-758-4444 | 440 SW 9th St | Corvallis | OR | 97333 |
Knollbrook Christian Reformed Church | 541-757-8788 | 1677 SW 35th St | Corvallis | OR | 97333 |
Mid Valley Baptist Church | 541-757-9796 | 1750 SW 3rd St | Corvallis | OR | 97333 |
People of Praise | 541-758-4231 | 5145 SW Nash Ave | Corvallis | OR | 97333 |
Seventh Day Adventist Church | 541-757-8983 | 3160 SW Western Blvd | Corvallis | OR | 97333 |
Westside Community Church | 541-758-5433 | 4000 SW Western Blvd | Corvallis | OR | 97333 |
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