Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oregon City, OR 97045
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oregon City OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abernethy Center | 503-722-9400 | 606 15th St | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Apostolic Christian Church | 503-557-3225 | 7447 SE Holgate Blvd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Bible Doctrine Church of Portland | 503-657-5673 | 805 Jackson St | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Carus Community United Methodist Churc | 503-632-4186 | 22765 S Highway 213 | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Carus House Wedding Chapel | 503-632-2253 | 17107 Meadowview Dr | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Christian Churches Churches of Chr | 503-656-5585 | 1010 9th St | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Christian Life Church | 503-655-2880 | 9215 SE Church | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Christian Science | 503-655-1071 | 503 9th St | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Crossroads Christian Center | 503-759-3633 | 103 Molalla Ave | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Evergreen Community Church | 503-631-2211 | 16940 S Beckman Rd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Faith Community Fellowship | 503-655-7390 | Gaffney Ln & S Meyer | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Fellowship Bible Church | 503-656-7783 | 14228 Maple Lane Rd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
First Baptist Church of Oregon City | 503-656-3854 | 9th & John Adams | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
First Church of God | 503-655-5517 | 592 Molalla Ave | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
First Presbyterian Church of Orego | 503-656-7444 | 1321 Linn Ave | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Followers of Christ Church | 503-656-4541 | 19394 Molalla Ave | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Gladstone Christian Church | 503-656-3394 | 305 E Dartmouth | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Great Day Fellowship Church | 503-723-5556 | 14955 S Hoffman Rd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Hillcrest Missionary Baptist Church | 503-655-2053 | 355 Warner Parrott Rd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Kindered Spirit House | 503-631-4300 | 19911 S Henrici Rd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Logan Community Church | 503-631-2551 | 17270 S Gerber Rd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Maranatha Baptist Church | 503-722-4289 | 729 Molalla Ave Ste 1 | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Oregon City Baptist Church | 503-656-7100 | S Holcomb Bv & Swan | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Oregon City Bible Chapel | 503-655-3009 | 20611 S Highway 213 | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Oregon City Church of Christ | 503-656-8656 | 335 Warner Milne Rd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Oregon City United Methodist Churc | 503-656-3433 | 18955 S End Rd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Oregon Trail Free Will Baptist Church | 503-557-8559 | 14595 Henrici Rd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Prince of Life Lutheran Church Elca | 503-657-3100 | 13896 Meyers Rd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
St Paul's Episcopal Church | 503-656-9842 | 822 Washington St | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Stone Creek Christian Church | 503-632-4218 | 21949 S Highway 213 | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Trinity Lutheran Church Lcms | 503-632-5554 | 16000 S Henrici Rd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Victorious Faith Family Church | 503-655-6729 | 811 Center St | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Viola Ridge Christian Center | 503-631-2474 | 20926 S Ridge Rd | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
Zion Lutheran Church | 503-656-4437 | 720 Jefferson St | Oregon City | OR | 97045 |
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