Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Clackamas, OR 97015
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Clackamas OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abbott Jacqueline Dr PhD Ceds | 503-698-3928 | 12360 SE Sunnyside Rd | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
Adventist Health Medical Clinics | 503-659-0880 | 13435 SE 97th Ave | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
Adventist Health Medical Clinics | 503-658-5521 | 14450 SE Royer Rd | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
Bodyview Advanced Diagnostic Scan | 503-653-7226 | 13540 SE 97th Ave | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
Burke Timothy W Do | 503-722-9155 | 15775 SE 82nd Dr | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
Clackamas Pediatric Clinic | 503-659-1694 | 9290 SE Sunnybrook Blvd Ste 200 | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
De La Bruere Beverly MD | 503-658-6022 | 18151 SE Highway 212 | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
Garcia Gregory MD | 503-215-2110 | 9290 SE Sunnybrook Blvd | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
Hickethier Cheryl MD Pc | 503-656-5657 | 14831 SE 82nd Dr | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
Kaiser Permanente | 503-652-2880 | 9800 SE Sunnyside Rd | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
Meeker Huey J MD | 503-654-2364 | 9775 SE Sunnyside Rd Ste 800 | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
Sleep Health & Wellness NW | 503-255-1200 | 13290 SE 97th Ave | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
Willamette Falls Occupational He | 503-654-0051 | 9775 SE Sunnyside Rd Ste 100 | Clackamas | OR | 97015 |
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