Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Portland, OR 97222
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allergy Asthma & Dermatology Ass | 503-653-2123 | 9290 SE Sunnybrook Rd Ste Ste | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Anderson Christopher MD | 503-513-8950 | 10330 SE 32nd Ave | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Becker Sara MD | 503-659-4988 | 3033 SE Monroe St | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Bodyview Diagnostic Scanning | 503-653-7226 | 13540 SE 97th Ave | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Budden Moir M MD | 503-654-3108 | 10202 SE 32nd Ave Ste 502 | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Burt Alex R MD Pmb | 503-796-6533 | 12925 SE 23rd Ave | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Eye Health Northwest | 503-656-4221 | 11086 SE Oak St | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Fortlage Donald W MD | 503-653-0770 | 10202 SE 32nd Ave Ste 201 | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Gibbons Jennifer MD | 503-513-0600 | 2305 SE Washington St | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Hirsch Dale D MD | 503-215-2300 | 10202 SE 32nd Ave Ste 702 | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Johns Keith MD | 503-659-0073 | 3716 SE International Way | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Johnson Desmond Phy & Sur | 503-659-0283 | 10202 SE 32nd Ave | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Maslen David MD | 503-654-3185 | 10024 SE 32nd Ave | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Milwaukie Orthopedic & Sports Medicine | 503-659-1769 | 10202 SE 32nd Ave Ste 101 | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Northwest Neurology | 503-652-2487 | 10202 SE 32nd Ave Ste 703 | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Olson Deanna K | 503-353-0888 | 3250 SE Llewellyn St | Portland | OR | 97222 |
Oregon Headache Clinic | 503-656-9844 | 1001 Molalla Ave | Portland | OR | 97222 |
River Medical Clinic | 503-652-6612 | 13021 SE River Rd | Portland | OR | 97222 |
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