Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Wilsonville, OR 97070
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Wilsonville OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arbys | 503-685-9527 | 8656 SW Citizens Dr | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Boston's Pub & Grill | 503-682-0773 | 29890 SW Town Center Loop W Ste D | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Bullwinkle's Family Restaurant Fami | 503-685-5000 | 29111 SW Town Center Loop W | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Chili's | 503-685-9700 | 29800 SW Boones Ferry Rd | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Denny's Restaurant | 503-682-1711 | 30175 SW Parkway Ave | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Fitzers Restaurant | 503-582-1201 | 8309 SW Main St Ste 200 | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Greentree Enterprises Inc | 503-685-5002 | 9450 SW Commerce Cir Ste 370 | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
House of Teriyaki II | 503-682-7702 | 8593 SW Main St | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Juan Colorado | 503-682-2171 | 8750 SW Citizens Dr | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Love Teriyaki | 503-582-8941 | 29756 SW Town Center Loop W Ste A | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
McDonald's | 503-685-9465 | 29682 SW Town Center Loop W | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Panda Express #1051 | 503-682-9891 | 8755 SW Robert Burns Blvd | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Quizno's in the Village Main | 503-582-0863 | 8403 SW Main St | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Shari's Restaurants | 503-685-6395 | 29690 SW Town Center Loop W | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Subway | 503-582-8140 | 25725 SW Argyle Ave | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Subway Sandwiches | 503-682-7729 | 8263 SW Wilsonville Rd | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Sushi Track | 503-570-8888 | 8750 SW Citizens Dr Ste H | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Taco Bell | 503-682-2896 | 8251 SW Wilsonville Rd | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Thai Delight Restaurant | 503-570-8710 | 8750 SW Citizens Dr Ste B | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Thai Village | 503-685-9852 | 8633 SW Main St | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Wankers Corner Saloon & Cafe | 503-682-9673 | 8499 SW Main St | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 503-682-7920 | 8253 SW Wilsonville Rd | Wilsonville | OR | 97070 |
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