Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Redmond, OR 97756
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Redmond OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Auto Express Inc | 541-923-7258 | 1485 N Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Automotive Specialties & Service | 541-548-0976 | 246 SE Franklin Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Bryans Automotive Unlimited | 541-548-0436 | 321 SE Black Butte | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Creative Exhaust Works | 541-548-3518 | 1218 N Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Dave Hamilton Motors | 541-548-1064 | 2067 N Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Earp's Auto Repair | 541-548-4522 | 340 NW Dogwood Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Five Guys Auto Repair | 541-548-1827 | 458 SE Railroad Blvd | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Foley's Auto Repair | 541-548-3090 | 426 NW 6th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
J & L Repair | 541-548-2991 | 1242 S Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Larry Horton Specialty Coatings | 541-923-0766 | 122 SE Franklin Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Les' Auto Body | 541-923-8731 | 1136 SW Highland Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Mark's Auto Body | 541-923-5536 | 1620 SW Highland Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Marshalls Automotive | 541-548-5239 | 2110 S Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Ponderosa Auto Service | 541-504-4775 | 336 NE Hemlock Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Premier Auto Body | 541-548-2299 | 612 NW 5th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Race Auto Care | 541-548-7620 | 1344 N Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Redmond Body Shop | 541-548-2296 | 1515 N Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Roger's Towing & Son | 541-923-5401 | 2259 SW Yew Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Wright Ford Inc | 541-548-2138 | 1835 S Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
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