Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bend, OR 97701
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bend OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Believers Cornerstone Fellowship | 541-382-8791 | 22080 Bear Creek Rd | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Bend Metro Park & Recreation Dist | 541-389-7275 | 200 NW Pacific Park Ln | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Bend's Community Center | 541-312-2069 | 1036 NE 5th St | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Cascade Praise Christian Cente | 541-389-4462 | 63645 Scenic Dr | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Christian Science Church | 541-382-6100 | 1551 NW 1st St | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 541-330-7383 | 1260 NE Thompson Dr | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Community of Christ | 541-388-1011 | 20380 Cooley Rd | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Crossings at Riverhouse | 541-389-8810 | 3075 N Highway 97 | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Crossroads Community Church | 541-382-1063 | Highway 20 & Old Ben | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Desert Streams Church | 541-388-4088 | 62010 27th St | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Discovery Christian Church | 541-382-2272 | 334 NW Newport Ave | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Eagle Mountain Fellowship | 541-312-9345 | 3273 NE Sandalwood Dr | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Eastmont Church | 541-382-5822 | 62425 Eagle Rd | Bend | OR | 97701 |
First Baptist Church | 541-382-3862 | 60 NW Oregon Ave | Bend | OR | 97701 |
First Lutheran Church | 541-382-6862 | 231 NW Idaho Ave | Bend | OR | 97701 |
First Presbyterian Church | 541-382-4401 | 230 NE 9th St | Bend | OR | 97701 |
First United Methodist Church | 541-382-1672 | 680 NW Bond St | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Grace Baptist Church | 541-382-6351 | 566 NE Clay Ave | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Grace Reformed Presbyterian Ch | 541-382-1572 | 62162 Hamby Rd | Bend | OR | 97701 |
High Desert Baptist Church Sbc | 541-388-4178 | NE Jones & Butler Marke | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 541-382-0950 | Blakely Rd & Powers | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Light & Life Church | 541-382-8411 | 21300 Bear Creek Rd | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Newport Avenue Church of Christ | 541-382-5242 | 554 NW Newport Ave | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Real Life Christian Church | 541-312-8844 | 2880 NE 27th St | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Spiritual Awareness Community of Th | 541-388-3179 | 157 NW Franklin Ave | Bend | OR | 97701 |
The Fellowship at Bend | 541-385-3100 | 2525 NE Twin Knolls Dr | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Trinity Lutheran Church & School | 541-382-1832 | 1034 NE 11th St | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Tumalo Baptist Church | 541-388-2206 | 63850 Old Bend Redmond Hwy | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Tumalo Community Church | 541-383-1845 | 64671 Bruce Ave | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Unity Center for Positive Living | 541-388-1569 | 2330 NE Division St Ste 9 | Bend | OR | 97701 |
Victory Baptist Church | 541-318-6350 | 21530 NE Butler Market Rd | Bend | OR | 97701 |
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