Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Redmond, OR 97756
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Redmond OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's of Redmond | 541-923-7627 | 2076 S Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Ashley's Cafe-Redmond | 541-923-1406 | 1713 SW Odem Medo Rd | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Burger King | 541-548-0328 | 1512 SW Odem Medo Rd | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Chan's | 541-548-1418 | 615 NW 6th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
City Slicker's Saloon & Eatery | 541-548-3731 | 329 SW 6th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Country Nook of Redmond | 541-923-2213 | 514 NW Greenwood Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Crooked River Railroad Company | 541-548-8630 | 4075 NE Oneil Way | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Dairy Queen | 541-548-2616 | 704 SW 6th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Fireside Grille & Lounge | 541-923-5042 | 343 NW 6th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Fountain Place Restaurant | 541-548-7213 | 3709 SW 21st Pl | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Full Moon Restaurant | 541-548-0868 | 343 SW 6th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Kayo's Roadhouse | 541-548-5675 | 250 NW 6th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 541-548-8480 | 1719 SW Wickiup Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
La Burrita Mini Market & Deli | 541-548-3159 | 843 NW 5th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Madaline's Grill & Steak House | 541-548-9964 | 2414 S Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
McDonald's of Redmond Wal Mart | 541-923-7322 | 3500 SW 21st Pl | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
McDonalds of Redmond | 541-923-1923 | 2456 S Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Mi Pueblito | 541-923-5173 | 404 SW 6th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Millennium Cafe Juice Bar & More | 541-504-5517 | 434 SW 6th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Mustard Seed Cafe | 541-923-2599 | 614 NW Cedar Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Regios Cafe | 541-504-8377 | 1106 SW Highland Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Rigoberto's Taco Shop | 541-504-9310 | 433 W Antler Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Seventh Street Brew House | 541-923-1795 | 855 SW 7th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Shari's of South Redmond | 541-923-0400 | 1565 SW Odem Medo Rd | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Silverleaf Cafe | 541-548-7558 | 7535 Falcon Crest Dr | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Sno-Cap Drive in | 541-548-2343 | 1053 NW 6th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Subway | 541-923-5535 | 520 NW Fir Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Subway | 541-923-5814 | 2209 S Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Sully's Italian Restaurant | 541-548-5483 | 521 SW 6th St | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Taco Bell | 541-548-5580 | 1214 S Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
Taco Time | 541-923-8220 | 1029 SW Highland Ave | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
The Brand Ranch House | 541-548-3168 | 5876 S Highway 97 | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
The Hanger | 541-504-4400 | 2522 SE Jessie Butler Cir | Redmond | OR | 97756 |
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