Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Roseburg, OR 97470
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Roseburg OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st Conservative Baptist Church | 541-672-6868 | 2245 NW Kline St | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Bethany Bible Fellowship | 541-673-1379 | 1129 NE Stephens St | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Campus Life | 541-672-9328 | 1034 SE Oak Ave | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Christian Science Reading | 541-673-5345 | 1035 SE Lane Ave | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Church in Roseburg | 541-673-7465 | 1222 SE Stephens St | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Church of Christ | 541-440-3014 | 121 Curry Rd | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Church of Christ | 541-673-3313 | 1475 NW Garden Valley Blvd | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Church of Christ I 5 Exit | 541-673-0782 | 175 Heritage Way | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 541-672-1237 | 1 2001 Bertha W | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 541-673-4879 | 1864 NW Calkins Ave | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 541-672-1831 | 2001 W Bertha | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 541-673-1869 | 354 W Harvard Ave | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Community Baptist Church | 541-679-9569 | 91 SE Thompson Ave | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Cornerstone Family Fellowship | 541-673-4121 | 2837 W Harvard Ave | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Covenant Grace Presbyterian Ch | 541-440-9055 | 1802 W Harvard Ave | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Douglas County of | 541-440-9433 | 820 W Kenwood St | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
First Baptist Church | 541-672-5533 | 813 SE Lane Ave | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
First Christian Church | 541-672-3499 | 432 SE Kane St | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
First Conservative Baptist Church | 541-957-5931 | 1540 NW Valley View Dr | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
First Presbyterian Church | 541-673-5559 | 823 SE Lane Ave | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Garden Valley Christian Assembly | 541-673-1293 | 3047 Garden Valley Rd | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Good News About Jesus | 541-957-3744 | 1081 Black Oak Dr | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Grace Family Center | 541-673-0730 | 1138 NE Lincoln St | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Green Community Missionary Chur | 541-679-7761 | 3777 Carnes Rd | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Landmark Missionary Baptist Church | 541-673-6775 | 5599 N Umpqua Hwy | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Liberty Christian Fellowship | 541-957-9070 | 507 NE Winchester St | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Lookingglass Community Church | 541-679-7282 | 249 Coos Bay Wagon Rd | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Melrose Community Church | 541-672-4522 | 3918 Melrose Rd | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Newton Creek Church | 541-672-3903 | 731 NE Newton Creek Rd | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
North Umpqua Bible Fellowship | 541-496-0764 | 1547 Wild River Dr | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Open Door Christian Fellowship | 541-673-8737 | 2545 W Harvard Ave | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Penny Schoenhoff PhD | 541-229-1310 | 722 SE Cass Ave | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Pine Grove Community Church | 541-672-7278 | 1729 Buckhorn Rd | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Pooler Doyle Rev Roseburg Church | 541-440-2244 | 4051 NE Stephens St | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Redeemers Fellowship | 541-672-0230 | 729 SE Jackson St | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Roseburg Alliance Church | 541-673-5412 | 2165 Garden Valley Rd | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Roseburg Christian Fellowship | 541-672-7222 | 1376 NE Walnut St | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Seventh Day Adventist Church Glide | 541-496-3956 | 19085 N Umpqua Hwy | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Unity of Roseburg Church | 541-957-1452 | PO Box 1381 | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Victory Baptist Church | 541-672-9589 | 179 Kincaid Dr | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Vine Street Baptist Church | 541-672-3796 | 2152 NE Vine St | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
Westside Christian Church | 541-673-6201 | 2712 W Harvard Ave | Roseburg | OR | 97470 |
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