Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Reedsport, OR 97467
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Reedsport OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aztlan Mexican Restaurant | 541-271-3240 | 1281 Highway 101 S | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Bedrock's Chowder House & Grill | 541-271-4111 | 2165 Winchester Ave | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Don's Diner & Ice Cream Parlor | 541-271-2032 | 2115 Winchester Ave | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Dubray's on the Green | 541-271-1605 | 1 Country Club Dr | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Fishpatrick's Guide Service | 541-271-3474 | 196 Bay Front Loop | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Griff's on the Bay Restaurant and | 541-271-2512 | 142 Bay Front Loop | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Harbor Light Family Restaurant | 541-271-3848 | 980 Highway 101 S | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
King Neptune Drive in | 541-271-4302 | 75310 US Highway 101 | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Leona's Sugar Shack Bakery | 541-271-5297 | 1501 Highway Ave | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
McDonald's | 541-271-7441 | 310 N 14th St | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Pah Tong Thai Cafe | 541-271-1750 | 460 Beach Blvd | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Schooner Inn Cafe | 541-271-3945 | 423 River Front Way | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Sol De Mexico Family | 541-271-0339 | 1050 Highway 101 S | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Sportsmen's Cannery & Smokehouse | 541-271-3293 | 182 Bay Front Loop | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Subway Sandwiches | 541-271-4618 | 1431 Highway 101 S | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Ungers Bay | 541-271-4955 | Salmon Harbour Dr # T | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
Waterfront & Landing | 541-271-3105 | 345 River Front Way | Reedsport | OR | 97467 |
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