Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Medford, OR 97504
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Medford OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Faith Church | 541-772-2757 | 285 Sunrise Ave | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Ascension Lutheran Church Elca | 541-773-3594 | 2617 E Barnett Rd | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Christian Science Church First Ch | 541-772-3609 | 100 Windsor Ave | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Church of Christ | 541-772-4918 | 1885 N Keene Way Dr | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Church of Christ Siskiyou Bv | 541-772-5461 | 2320 Siskiyou Blvd | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 541-776-1271 | 2141 Brookhurst St | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 541-772-8744 | 2900 Juanipero Way | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Eastwood Baptist Church | 541-779-7831 | 675 N Keene Way Dr | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Foothills Baptist Church Southern | 541-772-8265 | 2722 Springbrook Rd | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Medford Crater | 541-776-4593 | 3822 Crater Lake Ave | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Lighthouse Academy | 541-245-3993 | 3500 Arrowhead Dr | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Living Waters Church | 541-772-9502 | 2200 Roberts Rd | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Medford Congregational United Church O | 541-772-8860 | 1801 E Jackson St | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Presbyterian Church | 541-773-8274 | 2000 Oakwood Dr | Medford | OR | 97504 |
River Valley Fellowship | 541-245-8655 | 4938 Crater Lake Ave | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Seventh-Day Adventist | 541-772-5179 | 1900 Greenwood St | Medford | OR | 97504 |
St Peter Lutheran Church Lc Ms | 541-772-4395 | 1020 E Main St | Medford | OR | 97504 |
Wesleyan Church | 541-779-0414 | 1123 E Jackson St | Medford | OR | 97504 |
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