Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Medford, OR 97501
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Medford OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cervs | 541-779-8564 | 601 N Grape St | Medford | OR | 97501 |
Children's Advocacy Center | 541-734-5437 | 816 W 10th St | Medford | OR | 97501 |
Disability Services Office | 541-776-6210 | 28 W 6th St Ste D | Medford | OR | 97501 |
Easter Seals Oregon | 541-842-2199 | 33 N Central Ave Ste 201 | Medford | OR | 97501 |
Goodwill | 541-772-3300 | 11 W Jackson St | Medford | OR | 97501 |
Habitat for Humanity | 541-779-1983 | 229 W Mission | Medford | OR | 97501 |
Lions Sight & Hearing Center | 541-779-3653 | 228 N Holly St | Medford | OR | 97501 |
Salvation Army The | 541-773-6965 | 304 Beatty St | Medford | OR | 97501 |
Salvation Army The | 541-773-7005 | 1065 Crews Rd | Medford | OR | 97501 |
Salvation Army The | 541-772-8149 | 922 N Central Ave | Medford | OR | 97501 |
Waterwatch of Oregon Inc | 541-772-6116 | 27 N Ivy St | Medford | OR | 97501 |
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