Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Grants Pass, OR 97526
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Grants Pass OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Faith Church | 541-476-5143 | 422 NW F St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Bethany Presbyterian Church | 541-476-3684 | 748 NW 5th St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Calvary Chapel of Grants Pass | 541-476-6827 | 235 SE 7th St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Calvary Crossroads | 541-479-4334 | 1051 SE M St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Calvary Lutheran Church Elca | 541-479-2577 | 909 NE A St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship | 541-476-5235 | 400 SW J St Ste C | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 541-476-7271 | 760 NW 6th St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Christians Gathered in Na | 541-476-3956 | 1611 SW G St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Church of Christ | 541-476-3100 | 220 NE Savage St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Church of Christ | 541-476-9194 | 714 SW J St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Eckankar Center Grants Pass | 541-474-9739 | 980 SW 6th St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
First Christian Church Disciples of Ch | 541-476-4386 | 305 SW H St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
First Church of Christ Scientists | 541-474-5841 | 845 NE 10th St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Foursquare Church | 541-479-9704 | 450 SW J St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Gospel Outreach Christian Cente | 541-471-0727 | 1205 SW Isham St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Grace Baptist Church | 541-474-0973 | 1440 Parkdale Fruitdale G | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Grace Bible Church | 541-476-5316 | 1555 NE 10th St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Grants Pass Community Church | 541-474-6430 | 3191 Russell Rd | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Neighborhood Church | 541-476-9522 | 2015 NW Highland Ave | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Newman United Methodist Church | 541-479-5369 | 132 NE B St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Orthodox Presbyterian Church | 541-479-7863 | 280 Red Mountain Dr | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church | 541-479-7929 | 230 Buysman Way | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Parkway Christian Center | 541-479-2639 | 229 NE Beacon Dr | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Religious Science Church of | 541-479-0007 | 466 SW I St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Rogue Valley Baptist Church | 541-479-7177 | 244 SW K St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Rogue Valley Community Church | 541-476-1491 | 216 NE C St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Rogue Valley Community Church | 541-956-4947 | 150 NE E St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
St Lukes Episcopal Church | 541-476-2493 | 224 NW D St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
St Paul's Lutheran Preschool | 541-476-2565 | 865 NW 5th St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Unity Church of Grants Pass | 541-479-1363 | 1027 SE M St | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Universal Cylinder Exchange | 541-956-1863 | 6006 Monument Dr | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
Vineyard Christian Fellowship | 541-479-9649 | 275 Potts Way | Grants Pass | OR | 97526 |
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