Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Eugene, OR 97401
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Eugene OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
76 Station-Oakway | 541-484-6964 | Oakway Ctr | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
A & M Auto Body | 541-686-0044 | 430 W 1st Ave | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Auto Pros Inc | 541-485-2356 | 499 Valley River Ctr | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Clutch Doctors | 541-349-1876 | 285 W 6th Ave | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Dunham Body & Paint | 541-345-1515 | 345 Goodpasture Island R | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Eugene Auto Body | 541-342-6161 | 380 Goodpasture Island R | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Farmers Automotive Service | 541-343-4225 | 407 E 11th Ave | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Firestone Tire & Service Centers | 541-345-4300 | 310 Valley River Ctr | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Firestone Tire & Service Centers | 541-345-1593 | 185 E 11th Ave | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Goodyear Auto Service Centers | 541-343-2501 | 164 W 7th Ave | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Kendall Toyota | 541-344-5566 | 388 Goodpasture Island R | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Kiefer Mazda | 541-686-8291 | 373 Goodpasture Island R | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Lithia Chrysler Dodge of Eugene | 541-343-1700 | 2121 Mrtn Lthr Kng Jr # J | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Lithia Nissan of Eugene | 541-686-2211 | 2060 Centennial Blvd | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Mercedes-Benz of Eugene | 541-687-8888 | 2200 Mrtn Lthr Kng Jr # J | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Metcalf's Automotive & RV Repair | 541-345-7766 | 360 Oakway Rd | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Olson's Auto Repair | 541-344-5056 | 251 W 7th Ave | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Sandpiper Import Service | 541-343-9427 | 1301 Lincoln St | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Sports Car Shop | 541-342-1520 | 288 W 6th Ave | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Sun Automotive | 541-344-2219 | 391 Rustic Pl | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
Wagon Works | 541-345-6414 | 388 W 13th Ave | Eugene | OR | 97401 |
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