Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Lumber in Eugene, OR 97402
* Each listing below of Lumber Information for Eugene OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Easy Creek Lumber | 541-688-3320 | 2720 Roosevelt Blvd | Eugene | OR | 97402 |
Emerson Hardwood Company | 541-349-0538 | 2344 W 7th Pl | Eugene | OR | 97402 |
Hammer Lumber Co | 541-687-1400 | 399 Garfield St | Eugene | OR | 97402 |
Hardwoods Inc | 541-465-9566 | 120 Cleveland St | Eugene | OR | 97402 |
Industrial Trucking | 541-344-0278 | 90939 Prairie Rd | Eugene | OR | 97402 |
Jerry's Home Improvement Cen | 541-689-1911 | 2600 Highway 99 N | Eugene | OR | 97402 |
Skyline Lumber Co | 541-461-0193 | 2730 Roosevelt Blvd | Eugene | OR | 97402 |
Stringfield Gene Building Materi | 541-689-8014 | 2540 Roosevelt Blvd | Eugene | OR | 97402 |
Tree Products Hardwoods Inc | 541-689-8515 | 1680 Irving Rd | Eugene | OR | 97402 |
Value Lumber Yards | 541-689-3805 | 2180 Cross St | Eugene | OR | 97402 |
Wildwood Lumber Sales Inc | 541-681-5140 | 1730 W 5th Ave | Eugene | OR | 97402 |
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