Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lebanon, OR 97355
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lebanon OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church | 503-749-2128 | 645 Cleveland St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Missouri | 541-258-6393 | 434 E Grant St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Church of Christ | 541-258-6005 | 210 E Grant St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Crowfoot Baptist Church | 541-258-3138 | 699 Cascade Dr | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Family Bible Fellowship | 541-258-7729 | 2600 Stoltz Hill Rd | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
First Baptist Church | 541-259-1291 | 211 E Vine St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
First Baptist Church of Lacomb | 541-258-2707 | 34400 Meridian Rd | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
First Presbyterian Church of Leban | 541-258-2633 | 145 W Ash St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
First United Methodist Church Lebanon | 541-451-1170 | 1890 S 2nd St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Free Methodist Church of Lebanon | 541-451-1595 | 580 F St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Lebanon Chapel Christian Fello | 541-451-1271 | 2900 S Main Rd | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Lebanon Christian Center Pentecos | 541-258-2800 | 665 S Airport Rd | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Lebanon Mennonite Church | 541-258-5789 | 2100 S 2nd St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Little Ewe Preschool | 541-259-5262 | 3111 S Main Rd | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
New Hope Church | 541-258-2423 | 37180 Gore Dr | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Providence Vineyard Christian Fello | 541-259-3278 | 35787 Richardson Gap Rd | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Southside Church of Christ | 541-258-7893 | 196 S Airport Rd | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
St John's Lutheran Church | 541-258-8212 | 483 Tangent St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Teen Challenge International | 541-259-3401 | 75 Tangent St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Teen Challenge Thrift Store | 541-258-2584 | 846 S Main St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Trinity Baptist Church Southern | 541-258-7667 | 72 E Elmore St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
Waterloo Chapel | 541-451-5872 | 39480 Gross St | Lebanon | OR | 97355 |
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