Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Salem, OR 97303
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Salem OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Capital Baptist Church | 503-362-5319 | 3000 Lansing Ave NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship of O | 503-364-6499 | 1966 McCoy Ave NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Church of Christ Keizer | 503-393-5424 | 5405 Ridge Dr NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Clark Wilber J Rev Northgate Wesle | 503-364-7304 | 2405 Carleton Way NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Countryside Christian Church | 503-540-1989 | 5775 McLeod Ln NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Dayspring Fellowship | 503-390-3900 | 1755 Lockhaven Dr NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Evangelical Church First | 503-581-0102 | 455 Locust St NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Evangelical Church First Activity | 503-399-7561 | 2545 4th St NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Faith Lutheran Church Elca | 503-393-4507 | 4505 River Rd N | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Fellowship of Christian Athletes | 503-540-8156 | 1144 Madison St NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Church Elca | 503-364-6041 | 1998 Lansing Ave NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Iglesia Del Dios Vivo Columna Y La Vr | 503-371-7642 | 580 Highland Ave NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Immanuel Baptist | 503-364-1034 | 1997 Hazel Ave NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Iris Valley Church | 503-370-8420 | 7603 Wheatland Rd N | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Jason Lee United Methodist Churc | 503-364-2844 | 820 Jefferson St NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
John Knox Presbyterian Church | 503-393-0404 | 452 Cummings Ln N | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Keizer Christian Church | 503-393-6843 | 6945 Wheatland Rd N | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Keizer Clearlake Unitedmethodist | 503-393-2402 | 7920 Wheatland Rd N | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Keizer Community Church | 503-393-0222 | 380 Churchdale Ave N | Salem | OR | 97303 |
North Salem Baptist Church | 503-399-0190 | 4290 Portland Rd NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Northside Fellowship | 503-393-0168 | 7685 River Rd NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Saint Germain Foundation | 503-371-1129 | 1812 Summer St NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Salem Alliance Church | 503-581-2129 | 555 Gaines St NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Salem Central Seventh Day Adventist C | 503-364-4626 | 1330 Summer St NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Salem Leadership Foundation | 503-315-8924 | PO Box 7384 | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Temple Beth Sholom | 503-362-5004 | 1765 Broadway St NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Truth Tabernacle Jesus Name | 503-393-1352 | 3795 Pleasant View Dr NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
Willamette Valley Baptist Church | 503-393-1998 | 606 Dearborn Ave NE | Salem | OR | 97303 |
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