Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Silverton, OR 97381
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Silverton OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Christian Church | 503-873-6525 | 4700 Howell Prairie Rd NE | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
Christian Science Society | 503-873-3777 | 110 S 3rd St | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 503-873-3458 | 745 W Main St | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
Faith Lutheran Bible Church | 503-873-7353 | 822 Industrial Way NE | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
First Christian Church | 503-873-6620 | 402 N 1st St | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
Friends Church of Silverton | 503-873-5131 | 229 Eureka Ave | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church | 503-873-8656 | 303 N Church St | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
Oak Street Church | 503-873-5446 | 502 Oak St | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
Silverton Assembly of God | 503-873-3611 | 437 N James St | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
Silverton First Baptist Church | 503-873-6181 | 229 Westfield St | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
Silverton Foursquare Church | 503-873-3991 | 503 N 2nd St | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
St Paul's Catholic Church | 503-873-2044 | 1410 Pine St | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
Trinity Lutheran Church Elca | 503-873-2635 | 500 N 2nd St | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
Young Life-Silver Falls | 503-873-4600 | 222 High St | Silverton | OR | 97381 |
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