Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Woodburn, OR 97071
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Woodburn OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ | 503-981-5207 | 773 Bryan St | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
Church of Christ | 503-981-1298 | 1560 Hardcastle Ave | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 503-981-3354 | 1000 Country Club Rd | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
Faith Christian Fellowship | 503-981-7926 | 602 Young St | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church Elca | 503-981-1036 | 1036 E Lincoln St | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Woodburn Assemb | 503-981-3350 | Kingdom Hall | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
Mid Valley Community Church | 503-981-1911 | 591 Gatch St | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
Monitor Bible Church | 503-634-2588 | 34611 S Barlow Rd | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
Presbyterian Church First | 503-981-9121 | 950 N Boones Ferry Rd | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
Seventh Day Adventist Church | 503-981-6422 | 782 Willow Ave | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
Seventh Day Adventist Church English | 503-981-6216 | 1253 5th St | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
United Methodist Church | 503-982-2891 | 700 N Cascade Dr | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
Woodburn Christian Church | 503-981-9423 | 126 Workman Dr | Woodburn | OR | 97071 |
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