Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Counseling in Salem, OR 97301
* Each listing below of Counseling Information for Salem OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Angel Adoptions International | 503-588-5647 | 4890 32nd Ave SE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Barnes Jo Ann PhD Pc | 503-763-2922 | 355 High St SE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Beaver Michael Lcsw | 503-540-3442 | 2367 State St | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Bridges Lynda Social Worker | 503-364-2016 | 495 State St | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Callahan Marilyn Lcsw | 503-362-4652 | 565 Union St NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Cornerstone Christian Counceling Llc | 503-316-9130 | 1529 State St | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Corrections Associates Ltd Cal | 503-378-0572 | 525 Ferry St SE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Duval Sarah J Np | 503-364-6093 | 2250 D St NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Eating Disorders Information & R | 503-370-3733 | 660 High St NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Fischer Jack R Lcsw | 503-585-5764 | 780 Commercial St SE Ste 100 | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Gordon Jerome Psycholgst | 503-399-9691 | 635 Church St SE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Leslie Pitchford PhD Pc | 503-585-4448 | 627 Winter St NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Livingston Roxanne Counslr | 503-362-1172 | 185 13th St NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
McNeff Patti Lcsw | 503-363-9154 | 1340 Chemeketa St NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Mooney Patrick PhD | 503-581-2351 | 2493 State St | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Rapid Eye for Stress Relief | 503-399-1181 | 3748 74th Ave SE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Salem Pastoral Counseling Cent | 503-370-8050 | 565 Union St NE Ste 100 | Salem | OR | 97301 |
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