Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Furniture in Salem, OR 97301
* Each listing below of Furniture Information for Salem OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bedmart South Salem | 503-391-5313 | 3960 Rickey St SE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Capital Upholstering Co | 503-390-2634 | 822 Edina Ln NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Dick's Appliance & Furniture Cente | 503-364-7611 | 1108 Broadway St NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Dining Collections | 503-399-7373 | 3920 Rickey St SE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Gabriel's Furniture Inc | 503-588-0494 | 610 Capitol St NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
John Gross Interior Design Inc | 503-364-6842 | 346 Center St NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Kuebler's Furniture Inc | 503-315-1290 | 230 Chemeketa St NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
La-Z-Boy | 503-589-1623 | 3970 Rickey St SE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
McMahan's Furniture & Appliances | 503-363-9148 | 260 State St | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Pier 1 Imports | 503-581-7437 | 803 Lancaster Dr NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Sid's Home Furnishings | 503-371-0123 | 340 Court St NE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
Woody's Furniture | 503-581-5730 | 515 Commercial St SE | Salem | OR | 97301 |
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