Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Architects in Portland, OR 97205
* Each listing below of Architects Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aanderud Richard | 503-228-7571 | 621 SW Morrison St Ste 125 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Brun Dennis | 503-222-5533 | 813 SW Alder St | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Chilless Nielsen Architects Pc | 503-227-1751 | 625 SW Stark St | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Corl Michael R Archt | 503-228-0311 | 711 SW Alder St Ph | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Eddy Timothy Aia | 503-227-4860 | 519 SW Park Ave | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Fosler Portland Architecture | 503-241-9339 | 600 SW 10th Ave | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Jaffe Richard L Architect | 503-220-0072 | 1410 SW Morrison St | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Lrs Architects Inc | 503-221-1121 | 1121 SW Salmon St Ste 100 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
McM Architects Pc | 503-222-5757 | 1022 SW Salmon St Ste 350 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Scott Edwards Architecture Ll | 503-226-3617 | 1630 SW Morrison St | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Skylab Design Group | 503-525-9315 | 1221 SW Alder St | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Snyder & Snyder Architects | 503-224-5356 | 1033 SW Yamhill St Ste 405 | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Thomas Hacker Architects Inc | 503-227-1254 | 733 SW Oak St | Portland | OR | 97205 |
Wilson William Architects | 503-223-6693 | 1010 SW 11th Ave | Portland | OR | 97205 |
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