Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Architects in Portland, OR 97209
* Each listing below of Architects Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allied Works Architecture | 503-227-1737 | 910 NW Hoyt St | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Architects Van Lom & Company Aia Pc | 503-226-0590 | 34 NW 1st Ave Ste 309 | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Architecture W | 503-239-5848 | 1421 NW 14th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Batke Dennis Architect Aia Riba | 503-242-9391 | 1810 NW Overton St | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Bolighus Architecture Inc | 503-525-2813 | 120 NW 9th Ave Ste 214 | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Brown Richard E Archtct Aia | 503-223-4957 | 239 NW 13th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Carleton Hart Architecture Pc | 503-243-2252 | 322 NW 8th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Chesshir Stan Architect | 503-228-3273 | 415 NW 11th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Church William Faia | 503-227-6188 | 1815 NW Flanders St | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Clark Kjos Architects | 503-224-4848 | 333 NW 5th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Crow Clay & Associates | 503-499-0040 | 1901 NW Northrup St | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Gary Bley Architects | 503-450-0105 | 1701 NW Thurman St | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Glazer Howard Architect's for | 503-227-4331 | 2068 NW Flanders St | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Greenstreet Architecture | 503-231-8737 | 1231 NW Hoyt St Ste 306 | Portland | OR | 97209 |
H G E Inc | 503-222-1687 | 19 NW 5th Ave Ste 300 | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Hdn Architects | 503-224-0110 | 215 NW Park Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
L S W Architects Inc | 503-274-5432 | 1953 NW Kearney St | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Mahlum Architects | 503-224-4032 | 1231 NW Hoyt St Ste 102 | Portland | OR | 97209 |
McA Architects Pc | 503-226-0622 | 30 NW 1st Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Opsis Architecture Llp | 503-525-9511 | 920 NW 17th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Sera Architects | 503-445-7372 | 123 NW 2nd Ave Ste 202 | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Thomas Johnson Architect | 503-226-3709 | 821 NW Flanders St Ste 210 | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Tripp William C | 503-228-8212 | 222 NW 11th Ave | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Vosmek John J Architect Jr | 503-222-3232 | 1801 NW Upshur St Ste 790 | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Waddle Design Planning Architecture | 503-221-1709 | 1927 NW Kearney St | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Willis Michael Architects | 503-973-5151 | 555 NW Park Ave Ofc | Portland | OR | 97209 |
Wph Architecture Inc Ps | 503-827-0505 | 513 NW 13th Ave Ste 300 | Portland | OR | 97209 |
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