Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Gresham, OR 97030
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Gresham OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Gresham | 503-618-9993 | 8 NE Hogan Dr | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Cascade Community Church | 503-661-7084 | 18255 SE Clinton St | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Church of Christ East County | 503-666-8485 | 24375 SE Stark St | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Clear Creek Community Church | 503-492-2960 | 364 NE 219th Ave | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Covenant Presbyterian Church | 503-665-5775 | 18630 SE Division St | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
First Baptist Church Gresham | 503-665-2159 | 224 W Powell Blvd | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 503-666-3212 | 1525 W Powell Blvd | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Gresham Christian Fellowship | 503-491-1810 | 222 NE Roberts Ave | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Gresham United Methodist Presc | 503-665-1192 | 620 NW 8th St | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Highland Community Pre Kindergarten Sc | 503-665-6618 | 4100 SE 182nd Ave | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Love Your Neighbor Ministries | 503-491-1899 | PO Box 1886 | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Metro Church of Christ | 503-667-0773 | 1525 NW Division St | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Mountainview Christian Church | 503-492-1200 | 1890 NE Cleveland Ave | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church | 503-665-5414 | 795 E Powell Blvd | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Saved by Grace Lutheran Church | 503-665-7283 | 2010 NE Division St | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Simplicity Ministries | 503-618-9984 | 3848 NE Division St | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Trinity Lutheran Church Elca | 503-665-3197 | 507 W Powell Blvd | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Trinity Project | 503-492-2040 | 68th & SE Division | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Word of Life Freedom Ministries | 503-669-1375 | 362 NE 219th Ave | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Zarephath Pantry | 503-667-7932 | 59 NW Ava Ave | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
Zion United Church of Christ | 503-665-8741 | 2025 NE 23rd St | Gresham | OR | 97030 |
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