Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Portland, OR 97203
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Portland OR should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church | 503-286-4123 | 7807 N Fessenden St | Portland | OR | 97203 |
Christian Churches Churches of Chr | 503-252-5224 | 8044 N Richmond Ave | Portland | OR | 97203 |
Church of Christ | 503-283-0659 | 7470 N Newman Ave | Portland | OR | 97203 |
Grace Christian Fellowship | 503-286-2085 | 7325 N Bank St | Portland | OR | 97203 |
Messiah Finnish Lutheran Church | 503-286-2712 | 7434 N Charleston Ave | Portland | OR | 97203 |
Pioneer United Methodist Churc | 503-286-0312 | 7528 N Charleston Ave | Portland | OR | 97203 |
Portsmouth Trinity Lutheran Church | 503-289-6878 | 7119 N Portsmouth Ave | Portland | OR | 97203 |
Red Sea Community Church | 503-247-3175 | 8525 N Lombard St | Portland | OR | 97203 |
Rivergate Community Church | 503-285-3138 | 4737 N Lombard St | Portland | OR | 97203 |
St John Lutheran Church | 503-289-9557 | 4227 N Lombard St | Portland | OR | 97203 |
University Park Baptist Church | 503-285-5727 | 4340 N Lombard St | Portland | OR | 97203 |
University Park United Methodist Churc | 503-289-7843 | 4775 N Lombard St | Portland | OR | 97203 |
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